Paddle Wanaka will be open for waterfront rentals and lake tours in Level 1
Here’s what we’re doing to help protect you:


Respecting your bubble

Our crew love to give a good safety briefing before helping you onto the water. We like to know you’re going to have a fun and safe paddle with us and we’re usually pretty hands on with how we do this. In Level 2, you’ll see the following changes from us so that we respect your bubble:

Contactless payment

There are several ways you can make payment to us:

Our crew will be healthy

The health and wellbeing of our crew is the most important thing to us:

Adhering to government contact tracing guidelines

You will be using a pen:

Maintaining our commitment to the environment

Paddle Wanaka want to help to keep you safe, as well as keep our commitment to our environment:

Encouraging support within the Wanaka Community

This is a very unsettling time, and, as with a lot of the other awesome Wanaka Businesses, we’re changing our processes to help keep us all safe. This means that some of our new cleaning processes may mean it takes us a little longer to get you on the water. Be kind and have patience. It’ll be worth it.